Page 147 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 147

defeat settles it.  They continued as an unshaken minority, a
        minority that became God’s instrument for the future. Among
        this group so helplessly watching, were many who a little later
        became part of a movement that reverse the verdict that iron
        nails were the final power in the universe. Salome with other
        women could do nothing but passioned for Christ and were
        moved all along with Jesus only by the love that she received
        from god. Today Christian believers do have passion on several
        realms, but passion on spiritual desires leads to eternal life is
        getting forgettable.

        Witnessing Christ

               There were women in the distance. They were bewildered,
        heartbroken,  drenched  in  sorrow  but  they  were  there.  They
        loved Jesus so much that they could not leave him.  Salome is
        one among the women who went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint his
        body with spices and the Sabbath was past and brought sweet
        spices. When they went to the tomb, they discovered that the
        stone had been rolled away and a young man in white then told
        them that Jesus had risen, and told them to tell Jesus’ disciples
        that he would meet them in Galilee.
               Salome was ambitious for her son, and ambition is
        commendable when it is in full agreement with the mind and
        purpose of God. Ambition when divinely directed, can lead to
        the heights of honor but when selfishly pursued can cast one
        down to the depths of degradation. Salome knew she was an
        honored mother because her two sons James and John were two
        of Christ’s best beloved disciples and along with peter formed
        an inner circle among twelve. Feeling that kingdom would soon
        be established, she requested that her sons be placed on Christ’s
        right and left when he inaugurated kingdom. She knew not what
        she asked (Mat.20.20-24, Mark.10.35-40) when seeking seats of
        honor for her sons. Jesus did not treat Salome’s ambition as if it
        were sinful but he was compassionate because of the ignorance
        behind the request. Salome’s dreams of the kingship of Christ

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