Page 164 - รวมเล่มเอกคำสอน Credit managment 2564-printed 2565 with watermark
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เอกสารคําสอนวิชาการจัดการสินเช่อ                         ผศ.ดร.ฐิติมา ไชยะกุล. 2564
               (Credit Mangement) 03759342                   คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์

                                         How Do We Analyse
                                                Credit Risk?

                                • 1   Expert systems:
                                       • Despite the grandiose title, expert systems
                                         tend to provide relatively simple
                                         computerised support to the decision-
                                         making process
                                       • Often manually based and used to perform
                                         simple financial calculations including
                                         financial ratios
                                       • Generally place much of the credit
                                         decision-making on the individual lending
    ห้ามนําไปใช้                  ฐิติมา ไชยะกุล
                                       • Often used in smaller lending firms



                                         How Do We Analyse

                                                Credit Risk?

                                       • Expert systems commonly used to support
                                         5 Cs analysis:           โดยไมได้รับอนุญาต
                                           – Character: Is the borrower the type of person
                                            who would direct efforts to repayment or   ่
                                            avoiding obligations?
                                           – Capacity: Does the borrower have the capacity
                                            to enter into loan (e.g. minor)?
                                ห้ามนําไปใช้                  ฐิติมา ไชยะกุล
                                           – Cash: Does the borrower have sufficient
                                            cashflows to support the loan repayments?
                                           – Collateral: Can the assets supporting the loan
                                            be sold at a fair price in the event of default
                                           – Conditions: Where are we in the economic

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