Page 24 - Ministry book 4.25
P. 24
Faith Formation
Prayer-Seven Sisters & Fasting Brothers
Formed to provide the laity with a formal structure to pray for a spe-
cific Priest or Bishop. Group leaders provide you with prayers and a
specific person to pray for.
Details: Pray one hour, per week, on your own time.
Contact: Brian Hallaq
Faith Formation
RCIA Sponsors for Adult Confirmation
An RCIA Sponsor is a Parish volunteer who supports those who wish
to join the Catholic Church. Sponsors are needed who are passionate
and willing to share their faith. Expertise not needed.
Details: Thursday nights, 7-9 PM as able and a retreat.
Contact: Anne Merklin
Service of Mercy
Respect Life Ministry
Our mission is the protection of all human life, from conception to
natural death, especially those who cannot speak for themselves.
Our goal is to equip others through prayer, education, and witness.
•Sidewalk Prayer Partners: Wednesday and Fridays. 1-hour slots
Details: Monthly meeting: 2nd Thursdays, 6:30 PM
Contact: Mary Kasprzyk & Bernie Wittgens
Faith Formation
Returning Catholics
Provide a welcoming environment and helpful information on cur-
rent church teachings to those returning to the Church.
Details: 4-6 week program, scheduled as needed. Typically begins in
Contact: Bill Swedberg