Page 25 - Ministry book 4.25
P. 25
Rosary Makers
The rosary is one of our most powerful weapons. Volunteers create
rosaries to share with our parish community.
Details: Volunteers at home on your own time.
Contact: Florence Costales & RoseMarie Tugublimus
Faith Formation
Sacred Story
A 40-week prayer journey based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Igna-
tius. His disciplines invite a deep, personal relationship with Christ.
Small group leaders needed, and training provided.
Details: Small groups meet at different times depending on the
groups' needs.
Contact: Marijean Heutmaker
Special Event Volunteers-Adult Faith Formation
Assist with adult faith formation missions, retreats, reflections, and
speakers. Helps with set-up, take-down, hospitality, and food.
Details: As needed. Usually about 2-4 hours, per event.
Contact: Anne Merklin & Bill Swedberg bswed-
Service of Mercy
St. Stephen's Housing Association
SSHA owns and provides transitional housing for families with chil-
dren. Additionally, the Association offers support services as families
transition back into society. Some volunteer needs include handy-
man skills and office work.
Details: As needed. Contact SSHA for times and opportunities.
Contact: Ann Allen