Page 26 - Ministry book 4.25
P. 26

Service of Mercy
         St. Stephen's Prayer Ministry
         Trained prayer ministers bring breakthrough, healing, wisdom, and
         encouragement to all those in need through the power of prayer in
         the name of Jesus. Those seeking to receive prayer, please come to
         the back of the sanctuary.
         Details: Third Sunday of the month after the 11 Mass in the sanctuary

         Contact:  Stephanie Firth and Sylvia Miller
                       For more info on joining the prayer team-ask during this time.
                                                          Service of Mercy
         St. Vincent DePaul
         SVPD provides person-to-person assistance (via home visits) to the
         poor who live near our parish.  Helping with rent, utilities, food, and
         social support services. Home visits are the core of the work.  Always
         needing new faces and hands.

         Details: Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday each month.

         Contact: China Krismer & Theresa Milette
                         206-393-0672 206-714-7168

                                                          Service of Mercy
         Stephen Ministry
         Stephen Ministers provide 1:1, confidential, Christ-centered care to
         people experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, and other life difficul-
         ties. Training is available to any caring adult willing to complete the
         training course.

         Details: As needed.  Two year commitment.

         Contact: Marijean Heutmaker

         Strength Finders
         Discovering your God-Given talents and inspiring your community.
         Derived from the Clifton Strength Finder assessment and Living your
         Strengths book.

         Details: This group will meet as interest grows.

         Contact: Linda Jones
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