Page 3 - Annual Report to Parishioners RTP 2023 - 8 Page
P. 3

Financials: July 2022 - June 2023

                          Actual                 Budget              Variance  2,000,000
       Total Income  *          $1,786,200          $1,815,986               -$29,786  1,600,000
       Total Expenses          $1,909,402          $1,792,558                   $116,844  1,400,000
       Net Revenue                   -$123,202               $23,428             -$146,630  1,200,000     Actual
                                                                     1,000,000                            Budget
       Annual Catholic Appeal                                         400,000
       Pledges                  $201,058         Percentage of goal: 105%  0
       Goal                                 $191,782                  -200,000  Total Income      Total Expenses     Net Revenue

       Contributions (Weekends and Holy Days)                         $1,528,626
       Education Fees & Charges                         $16,404
       Rebates - ACA & Called to Serve                  $33,649                         Weekends & Holy Days
       Restricted Revenue & Liturgy Fees               $52,198                                85.58%
       Building Maintenance Restricted Revenue         $12,432
       Buisiness & Misc. Revenue                       $20,842
       Other Misc. Revenue                             $14,853
       Restricted Revenue  - Outreach & Food Pantry    $107,196
       Total Revenue - All Sources                   $1,786,200
                                                                 Education                                   Revenue
       Expenditures and Reserve Increases July 2022 - June 2023   Fees &    Restricted                       Outreach &
                                                                  Charges   Revenue &           Other Misc.  Food Pantry
                                                                  0.92%                        Revenue 0.83%
       Service of Mercy                                                    Liturgy Fees                       6.00%
       Direct Aid, Outreach & Social Concerns          $143,634              2.92%
       Assistance to poor parishes and deanery Hispanic ministries  15,071  Rebates:
                                 Sub Total             $158,705    ACA & Called     Building    Business &
       Liturgy and Pastoral Care                                    to Serve      Maintenance  Misc. Revenue
       Clergy Pastoral Care                            $177,966      1.88%          Income
       Liturgy & Worship                               130,458                      0.70%
                                 Sub Total             $308,424
       Formation Ministries
       Faith Formation (children, youth & adult programs)  $303,071                 Loss: Savings
       Catholic School support                          69,000                      Used 6.06%
                                 Sub Total             $372,071
                                                                                             Service of
       Community Building                                                       Taxes &     Mercy 7.81%
       Parish Life                                     $23,454                 Insurance
       Evangelization and Communications               104,544                  9.44%             Liturgy & Pastoral Care
                                 Sub Total             $127,998                                      Expense 15.17%
                                                                     Facilities & Maintenance
       Parish Coordination                                                 16.16%
       Parish Coordination                             $265,861                                      Formation Ministries
       Archdiocesan Support - Assessments              117,545         Archdiocesan                       18.31%
       Stewardship Programs                             38,455         Support 5.78%
                                 Sub Total             $421,861
                                                                                 Parish Coordination
       Operations and Maintenance                                                    13.08%
       Facilities and Maintenance                      $328,436
       Taxes and Insurance                             191,906
                                 Sub Total             $520,342
                                                                 Stewardship Programs
                                                                      1.89%                                Evangelization &
       Loss (Savings Used)                             $123,202                           Community Building  Communication 5.14%
                                 Total               $1,786,200
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