Page 6 - Annual Report to Parishioners RTP 2023 - 8 Page
P. 6

The Gabriel project provides 300 to 800 diapers a month to needy families and has assisted 39 families with
       their needs including help in obtaining housing, clothes, food, furniture, and other assistance that young
       struggling families need.

       Terrific Tuesday Meals (TTM) has once again started monthly, hot meals here at the St Stephens social hall as
       well as continuing their weekly ministry at Holy Spirit Parish, Kent Hope, and Vine Maple Place. TTM has
       been the main recipient of and distributes our Homeless Backpacks. This program provides a backpack with a
       blanket, tarp, basic clothing, easily prepared food, a bible, and a toiletries kit for those who have few resourc-

       Last year, the St Vincent de Paul Society was able to assist 91           Increased Food Pantry Need 2020-2023
       families comprising 286 individuals! Our St Vincentians con-      12000
       tinue their mission to bring love and assistance to the needy     10000
       in our community. In addition to assistance with utilities and     8000
       other needs, St Vincent de Paul has also utilized the food        # Families   # Individuals   # Bags  6000
       pantry to bring nourishing food to those in need.                  2000
       Our Medical Closet Ministry has assisted at least 48 parishio-      0 2020        2021        2022         2023
       ners with their medical equipment needs as well as countless                            Year
       donations sent to other needy organizations locally and as far away as Africa.

                                             Facilities and Grounds

       As we read in Ecclesiastes 3:11                                           Also,
                                                                                             We are fortunate to have
       this beautiful campus which reflects God’s goodness and love for us.

       Our buildings too, are meant to point to the order and beauty of heaven.
       Our property can be a little paradise as we come together as trusted
       custodians, stewards of God’s gifts, that are maintained by volunteers and
       staff. We have 5 acres of useable land, which has our church, chapel,
       classrooms, social hall, and offices located in one main complex and it
       takes a small army of faithful stewards to keep it in such beautiful
       condition. We are making progress on our outdoor Way of the Cross and
       surrounding areas. Our Outreach ministries and St. Stephen’s Housing
       Assoc. are housed in the Annex Building, which is overflowing it’s
       capacity in a building which is aging-out and was recommended to be
       fully replaced by the Building Task Force committee. We dedicated our
       St. Michael statue on the Feast of the Archangels on Sept. 29, 2022. It was designed and constructed by our
       Campus Crew members. This year on the Feast Day, Fr. Ed blessed it with a relic of the stones from St. Michael’s
       cave. This was made and installed by a parishioner and staff member.

                                     Our Annual                             was so very well attended. What a joy to
                                     come together to prepare our campus for the celebration of Easter! We had
                                     outside projects of weeding, pruning and planting and inside projects of cleaning
                                     and painting…all to share our blessings from God so to be blessings for others. We
                                     enjoyed fellowship at our break in the social hall by eating and sharing stories of
                                     how God has revealed himself to us. Our day was filled with many
                                     accomplishments and our hearts were overflowing with gratitude.

                                     We also improved our main Sanctuary lighting by installing LED lights. Our
                                     volunteers on Campus Crew researched and led this project along with a trusted
                                     vendor on the electrical side. Working with Bill at the same time to install and
                                     change locations of some of the cameras needed for the live-streaming of the
                                     Mass. Blessings abound!
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