Page 111 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
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  Copyright and intellectual property policy
The Company commits to comply with the copyright and intellectual property laws, for example, Thai Trademark Act, Thai Patent Act, and Thai Copyright Act, including other related laws. The Company shall provide the employees with the training course on intellectual property laws as well as promote their participation. The policy and guidelines details are described in the Company’s copyright and intellectual property policy posted in the Company’s website including being part of the business ethics.
Anti – Corruption
The Company placed importance on anti-corruption measures which all sectors expected and determined to comply with these measures for concrete results. The Company specified the written anti- corruption policy, which consisted of duties and responsibilities, practices, risk assessment, communication, supervision, monitoring, review, and penalty clauses. This policy has been publicized in the Company’s website and reviewed continually. In addition, the Company also appointed the Risk Working Committee to perform duty on assessment and planning on anti-corruption risk prevention guidelines, so that the directors, management and all employees at all levels realize about importance on business operations with integrity, transparency and verifiability.
At the present, the company implements the 2024 Anti Corruption Policy, which contains contents to conform to the Self-Evaluation Tool for Countering Bribery, Revision Version 4.0 of Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC) and communicated to the employees at all levels for acknowledgement and strictly compliance. Including being used as part of the orientation of new employees. In 2024, the Company did not encounter any cases of fraud and corruption.
The Company has measures to facilitate all stakeholders to lodge complaint with the Company via various channels to increase efficiency on facilitation of all stakeholders. It was set out as part of the Code of Business Conduct. Complaint can be lodged, and opinion can be expressed to the Company pursuant to the regulation on complaint acceptance and consideration process via the following channels:
Letter to:
Website: Email.: Tel.:
The Secretary of the Audit Committee
Union Auction Public Company Limited
518/28 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Thepleela 1),
Wangthonglang sub-district, Wangthonglang district, Bangkok 10310
0 2033 6555
Part 2
Corporate Governance
บริษัท สหการประมูล จากัด (มหาชน)
Union Auction Public Company Limited

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