Page 93 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 93

  Part 2
Corporate Governance
The Company constantly has personnel development policy
and places importance on personnel, who are the main driving forces for
the Company’s effective operations. If the personnel in the organization
lack knowledge and competency in their own professional branch or lack
development, it may cause problem and impact the organization. Therefore,
the Company has established the personnel management policy by providing training courses in various aspects to boost up the employee’s potential adequately to drive the Company for moving forward.
In 2024, After the Company set KPI that average training hours attended by each employee must be 20 hours, consequently average training hours attended by the employees were 21.0 hours/ person decreased by 41.7% from 2023 which is still in line with the target of the training plans. In 2024, the Company launched a new auction yard, so the work processes have been improved and emphasized on providing knowledge to the employees on service quality. Thus, AUCT Service DNA internal training course has been emphasized to provide to all employees to adjust the corporate culture with the work processes. In addition, the Company’s employees participated in various courses, both inside and outside of the organization, such as, Code of conduct, Company Knowledge, Chat GPT Chat GPT for management, etc.
Other significant information
Head of Internal Audit and Head of Compliance
The Company has 2 internal audit heads, namely, Mr. Thanee Boonwattanasiri, Internal Audit Head and Secretary of the Audit Committee and Mr. Navit Nariswaranondha, Internal Audit Head and Secretary of the Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee, to oversee the operations, audit the internal control system and supervise the operations pursuant to the criteria of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the relevant agencies. Details on biography of the Internal Audit Heads are shown in the Attachment 3.
  Employees development
 Average training hours
21.0 hours / person
   บริษัท สหการประมูล จากัด (มหาชน)
Union Auction Public Company Limited

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