Page 35 - Highlights 2022
P. 35

Summertime Wish

       by Kayley Dao '25

       A summertime wish is what I need, a day where I can live my dreams.

       Wake at 9 a.m. and start the day with a nice breakfast. T  e leftover pizza will do.
       Put on my smiley socks and tie my shoes.

       Wear a hat and grab my things, hoping to see what adventure brings.

       I’ll stroll towards the creek with a pail and some money in my pocket,

       a bag made from an old sail, and I can’t forget my locket.
       Wait in the pharmacy for some friends and pay for candy with some dimes.

       Make sure to grab the newspapers that are not the New York Times.

       Walk along the path and trail and pass all the birch trees,

       trip over some rocks and get a small scratch just on my left knee.
       Quickly patch it up with a bandage and catch up with the crew, don’t worry about being abandoned! They
       won’t leave without you.

       Arrive at the creek and sort out your stuff while you wait since the current is rough.
       Take off our colorful shoes and fun socks and leave them by the dock.

       Layout a mat and get out the pillows while someone gets out the food.

       We’ll eat our sandwiches and sip some tea while finding the apple juice.

       Grab the bucket and collect snails while a friend reads out about Nantucket, fish for sardines with our
       fishing rods and make sure to watch out for passing cod. We only catch a few sardines and try to cook

       them up, but we mess really badly and throw them out with cups.

       Share some hard candy and soft taffies while walking back to the pier, spending the last of our spare

       change on the arcade games here. We finish the day by setting up the telescope on the sand. Finding
       constellations and resting our heads on our hands. Then we’d all eat some peaches while wondering what

        tide the beach is.

       At 8’oclock we all head home, making sure no one walks alone. We walk home under the starry, summer

       night sky with all our things, and await what tomorrow’s adventure might bring.
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