Page 42 - Highlights 2020 FINAL
P. 42
Local News: Sasquatch Found in
Local Library?
A Parody by Kayley Dao '25
Breaking news: The Sasquatch was found
in a local library on Tuesday at 2:58 p.m.
Jared Paulenski, also known as the
Sasquatch, was spotted at the
Triddletown Library this afternoon
reading for the Read-a-thon event.
Normally, residents would see Paul out in
the woods near his log cabin or at the
campsite instructing new campers on fire
safety. No one expected to find him at the
local library catching up on the latest
entry of the House Hunt Series: Hunted
till Dawn; The Krestilente Estate.
The librarian, Mrs. Burrows, reports that
Paulenski has read a total of 13 eligible
books in just the past 4 days, placing him
just behind Aaron James: Current First
Place Holder at 15 books out of 20.
Jared is known as a local celebrity for his
numerous skills as well as his book, To
You I’m a Sasquatch, but to Them I’m a
Friend, where he writes about his
childhood and the hardships he faced.
Next on Channel 928, Pig runs out of
butcher’s shop with, get this, the remains
of its own tail that was put into sausage.
More on that coming soon.