Page 20 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 20

Definition   Definition
 Money  that  is  deposited  in  a  savings  account  whether   The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) & the Armed Forces
 fixed  deposit,  current  savings,  ASB  or  other  forms  of   Fund  Board  (LT AT)  are  savings  made  by  individuals
 deposits at a bank or any financial institution.   during  their  period  of  service  and  they  satisfy  all  the
    required  conditions  of  zakat  except  for  "full  ownership",
 Zakat Rate   which  will be fulfilled  once  the  money is  withdrawn from
    the EPF & LTAT.
 2.5%  zakat  is  imposed  on  the  total  of  savings  balance  at
    Calculation Method
 the end of the year equivalent or more than the nisab.
 Calculation Method

 Table: Account 1
            Calculations of EPF & LT AT Zakat
 Date   Withdrawal   Deposit/   Balance   Amount of EPF/LTAT withdrawn x 2.5%
 (RM)   Dividend (RM)   (RM)   = RMl00,000.00 x 2.5%
 01/01/xxxx   -  20,000.00   20,000.00   = RM2,500.00
 23/04/xxxx   2,000.00   -  18,000.00
 30/05/xxxx   -  5,000.00   23,000.00   Contributors who retain their savings in the EPF although
 10/07/xxxx   3,000.00   -  20,000.00   they are permitted to make withdrawals upon reaching the
 12/08/xxxx   2,500.00   -  17,500.00   age  of  50  or  55  will  be  charged  zakat  on  such  retained
    savings.  Savings  maintained  in  the  EPF /LT AT  are
 11/11/xxxx   -  2,000.00   19,500.00   considered as savings zakat for the following years.
 31/12/xxxx   -  1,000.00   20,500.00
 Balance at the end of the term is RM20,500. 00.
 It exceeds the nisab and completes a year.

 Calculation Example
 Savings closing balance of the year  x  2.5%
 Account 1 closing balance (table example)  : RM  20,500.00
 Account 2 closing balance   : RM  2,500.00
 Total savings   : RM  23,000.00
 Zakat (RM23,000.00 x 2.5%)   RM   575.00

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