Page 18 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 18

 iv. Shariah Non-Compliant Gold  Investments

 Gold Account Passbook (No Gold Ownership)   For  silver,  whether  used  as  jewellery  or  stored  as
 A gold investment passbook or gold savings account is   ornaments  within  a  year  &  exceeding  the  nisab,  the
    calculation is based on the value of the silver object. Nisab
 non-compliant  with  sharia  if  no  physical  gold  is  kept.   for silver equals to or exceeds 595 grams. The zakat rate is
 Zakat is charged only on the principal investment if the   2.5%.
 amount  exceeds  the  annual  nisab.  It  is  calculated
 according to the savings zakat formula.   "And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it
    not  in  the  way  of  Allah:  announce  unto  them  a  most
 Virtual Gold Account   grievous penalty.  On the Day  when heat  will be produced
 Virtual gold is gold traded for non-physical investment.   out  of that  (wealth)  in  the  fire  of Hell,  and  with  it  will be
 The  virtual  gold  business  uses  an  electronic  platform.   branded their foreheads, their flanks and their backs"This is
 Investors who have an account with a particular broker   the (treasure) which ye buried for yourselves: taste ye, then
 may  make  buying  and  selling  gold  calls  at  current   the (treasures) ye buried!"   At-Taubah:  Verses 34-35
 prices displayed on the platform but they cannot claim
 the physical gold they have purchased.
 Since this gold trade does not involve physical gold,  it
 is considered as sharia non-compliant. Zakat is charged   Calculation Method
 only on the principal investment if the amount exceeds
 the annual nisab rate. It is categorised as savings zakat
 payment.          Calculation  Example
      Weight of silver x Current price of 1 gram of silver x 2.5%
 Calculation  Example   = 1,000 grams x RM2.36 x 2.5%
      =  RM2,360.00 X 2.5%
 Principal investment  x 2.5%   =  RM59.00
 =  RM40,000.00 x 2.5%
 =  RM1,000.00  (NoteB)

 Note 8:  Paid on savings zakat

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