Page 13 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 13

Definition                                              ii. Shares Sold in One-Year Period

    Dr  Yusoff  AI-Qardhawi  in  his  book  Fiqh-Zakat  defines
    shares  as  valuable  papers  traded  especially  in  the  stock   Shares bought for trading or that are short-term in
    exchange.                                                 nature should be paid zakat at the rate of 2.5% of the
                                                              current market value in ownership.
    Share  certificates  in  a  company  listed  in  the  stock
    exchange  are  easy  to  liquidate  compared  to  shares  in  a            Short Term
    company that is not listed in the stock exchange such as a
    private limited company or a co-operative.                 [Current Share Value+ Trust account current balance
                                                               - Related costs  Notee ] x 2.5%
                                                               = [RM84,000.00 + RMS,000.00 - RM350.00] x 2.5%
    Definition                                                 = RM88,650 00* X 2.5%
                                                               = RM2,216.25
    The share owner can separate the calculation of zakat on
    shares into two groups:                                   Note 6:  Related costs are brokerage costs,  GST,  clearing fees,
                                                                    stamp duty etc.
                                                                    *Amount has reached nisab.
    i. Shares Owned Over a Year
      Shares held for annual returns or long-term ownership
      should be imposed zakat at the current market value   Companies Paying Business Zakat
      plus the dividend earned at the rate of 2.5%.
                                                            Shares for companies paying business zakat are no longer
                                                            charged zakat.
                       Long Term

      [Current Share Value+ Trust account current balance
      + Dividend - Related costs  Notes   ]  x 2.5%
      = [RM134,000 00 + RMS,000.00 + RMl,000.00             Shares Not Listed in Stock Exchange
      - RM400.00] x 2.5%
      = RM139,600 00* x 2.5%                                These  shares  are  not  easily  liquidated.  Practically,  zakat
      = RM3,490.00                                          should be paid on the dividend received if it reaches nisab.

      Note 5:  Related costs are brokerage costs,  GST,  clearing fees,
           stamp duty etc.
            *Amount has reached nisab.

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