Page 8 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 8

                                                               METHOD2                                 RM
    According to  Prof. Dr Yusuf AI-Qaradhawi and  Dr Hussein
    Shahatah,  salary  and  income  zakat  are  called  al-Mal   INCOME ELIGIBLE FOR ZAKAT x 2.5%
    al-Mustafad,  i.e.  zakat  which  is  derived  from  salary  and   (After deducting basic allowable expenses)
    professional income.
                                                               A. INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES (Annually)  48,000.00
    Categories of Salary and Income
                                                               B. LESS ALLOWABLE EXPENSES (Annually)
    i.  Employment  Salary  and  Wages:  Salaries,  wages,     i. Self                               12,000.00
       bonuses,   overtime  pay,   gratuity,   compensation,   ii. Wife                               5,000.00
       pensions,  prizes,  awards,  intensive,  ESOS  (employee  iii. Child  Note2
       stock  option  scheme)  and  any  income  derived  from   a) Aged below 18 years: 1 child x RM2,000.00   2,000.00
       service or employment.                                    b) Aged above 18 years (studying in tertiary  5,000.00
                                                                   education institutions): 1 child x RMS,000.00
    ii. Freelance Income                                       iv. Self-education                     2,000.00
       • Payment of professional consultancy services          v. Allowance to parents (RMl00.00 x 12 months)  1,200.00
       • Project payments or profits received by contractors   vi. EPF (11%)                          5,280.00
       • Commission and residual income such as sales of         TOTAL DEDUCTION OF EXPENSES        32,480.00
         insurance, takaful, unit trust, brokerage & the like
       • Royalties or commissions from writing, publications,  C. INCOME ELIGIBLE FOR ZAKAT (A - B)  15,520.00
         arts activities and so on
                                                               D. ZAKAT REQUIRED TO BE PAID            388.00
                                                                 (C is more than nisab  Notel )
    iii. Income-Generating Property (Mustaghallat)               RMlS,520.00 x 2.5%
       • Rental income from assets such as buildings,
         premises, equipment, etc.                             E. LESS ZAKAT ON ANNUAL                 30.00
       • Products of livestock such as milk, eggs, honey, etc.   CONTRIBUTION OF THE ORGANISATION
                                                                 WHICH PAID ZAKAT ON BEHALF OF THE
       * Income not required for zakat calculation:              CONTRIBUTOR  (Example:  Pilgrims'  Fund)
        Claims of lodging, overseas travel, entertainment, mileage  RMl,200.00 x 2.5%
        and other
                                                               F. TOTAL ANNUAL ZAKAT                   358.00
    Calculation Method                                         G. TOTAL MONTHLY ZAKAT DEDUCTION         29.90
                                                                 (RM358.00 / 12 months)
     METHOD 1                                RM                Note 1:  Nisab is the current value of 85 grams of gold.
     ANNUAL GROSS INCOME                  48,000.00            Note 2:  Relief for children under care.
     (Due to exceeding the nisab  Noce, ) x 2.5%
     ZAKAT REQUIRED TO BE PAID             1,200.00

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