Page 10 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 10

Business Zakat Postulate

    Allah (SWT) said:
                                                                [Owner's equity+  Long-term liability - Fixed asset -
    "By men  whom neither  traffic nor merchandise can  divert   Semi-fixed asset] x % of Muslim ownership x 2.5%
    from  the  Remembrance  of Allah nor  from  regular  Prayer,
    nor from the practice of regular Charity: their (only)  fear is   Note
    for the Day when hearts and eyes will be transformed."   Real  accounting  examples  cannot  be  presented  because  they  are
                                       An-Nur:  Verse 37     complicated.  Calculation is based on the following principles:-
                                                               •  Fund structure
    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:                              •  No classification of current assets and current liabilities
                                                               •  Determination of share ownership
    "ft  is  not  accumulated  on  scattered  property  and  is  not   Suitable  for  Islamic  financial  and  banking  institutions,
    scattered  on  accumulated property  with  the  intention  to   takaful and public limited companies which do not classify
    avoid charity (zakat for the payer) or reduce the collection   current assets and current liabilities.
    (for amil) and everything between two persons who share,
    that both must return them equally (based on the ratio)".
                                     Narrated by Bukhari    No Specific Account

    Calculation Method                                                     Calculation Example
                                                                          Nett profit (C)  x  2.5%
              Method 1 - Working Capital
      [Current Assets - Current Liabilities  CNote 3J  J  x  Percentage of   A  Annual revenue/ sales/ earnings   RM6,000.00  x 12 Bulan
      Muslim Ownership x 2.5%                                                                     RM72,000.00
      =  RMS,800,000.00 - RMS,400,000.00 x 100% X 2.5%        B  Less: Annual expenses/ cost      (RM10,000 00)
      =  RM400,000.00 x 100% x 2.5%                           C  Annual net profit (A-B)       (Note4)   RM62,000.00
      =  RM10,000.00                                          D  Multiply: Rate of zakat                 2.5%
     Note 3:  Current assets & current liabilities must be adjusted first.   E  Annual zakat (C x D)   RMl,550.00

                                                             Note 4:  Amount has reached nisab.
    Suitable   for   public   limited   and   private   limited,
    co-operative,  trading,  enterprise  and  other  companies   Suitable for small businesses such as night bazaar, farmers'
    where there is a classification of current assets and current   markets, restaurants and the like.

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