Page 16 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 16


 Gold is a type of metal for which the owner is obliged to
 pay zakat. The obligation of zakat on gold is described by   iii. Sharia Compliant Gold Investment
 Allah (SWT):   Physical Gold
       Physically  owned  gold  is  usually  intended  as  an
 "And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it   investment to earn profit. Usually the gold is in the form
 not  in  the  way  of  Allah:  announce  unto  them  a  most   of coins, ingots, bars and wafers. Zakat must be paid if
 grievous penalty.  On  the Day  when heat  will be produced   the weight of gold equals to or exceeds the nisab of 85
 out  of  that  (wealth)  in  the  fire  of  Hell,  and  with  it  will be   grams.
 branded their foreheads,  their flanks and their backs  "This
 is  the  (treasure)  which  ye  buried  for  yourselves:  taste  ye,   Calculation Example
 then the (treasures) ye buried!"
 At  Taubah:  Verses 34-35   Weight of gold x Current price of x 2.5%
        = 400 grams x RM180,000.00 x 2.5%
 Calculation Method   =  RM72,000.00 X 2.5%
        =  RM1,800.00
 i.  Unused Jewellery Gold (Not Worn)
 Jewellery  gold  that  is  not  used  or  worn  even  once
 during a year is considered unused gold.  If the value of
 the gold equals to or exceeds the nisab of 85 grams, it
 is  obligatory  to  pay  zakat  with  a  rate  of  2.5%  of  the  Gold Account Passbook (With Gold Ownership)
 total gold value.
    There are banks offering gold investments passbook or a
 Calculation Example   gold  savings  account.  This  account  does  not  record  the
    savings amount in ringgit value but in grams of gold units.
 Weight of unused gold x Current price of 1 gram of
 gold x 2.5%   Sharia compliance occurs when physical gold exists and is
 = 100 grams x RM180.00 x 2.5%   held  by  investors.  Zakat  is  required  if  there  is  an
 =  RM18,000.00 x 2.5%   investment  intention  and  the  gold  weight  reaches  the
 =  RM450.00
    nisab of 85 grams.

 ii. Worn Jewellery Gold  Calculation Example
 Jewellery  gold  that  is  worn  for  the  purpose  of  Weight of gold x Current price of x 2.5%
 self-adornment is not subject to zakat, but if it exceeds  = 200 grams x RM180,00.00 x 2.5%
 the  uruf,  zakat  will  be  imposed.  Uruf  is  the  local  =  RM36,000.00 x 2.5%
 practice of wearing jewellery gold. The uruf rate in the  =  RM900.00   (Note?)
 Federal Territory is 800 grams. The zakat rate is 2.5%.
 Calculation Example
       Note 7:  Paid on business zakat
 Weight of worn jewellery gold x Current price of
 1 gram of gold x 2.5%
 = 900 grams x RM180.00 x 2.5%
 =  RM162,000.00 X 2.5%
 =  RM4,050.00

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