Page 145 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 145
B4H 3rd Edition
In weightlessness, this becomes significant as heat
transfer processes are considerably challenged as
reduced gravity impairs convective heat transfer
and the efficiency of evaporation. The Thermolab Non-invasive Sensors
experiment looked at changes in thermal regulation get to the “Core” of
(and cardiovascular adaptations) in weightlessness Body Temperature
by investigating how the body heats up and cools Changes
down during exercise. The testing of the new type
of sensor to record the core body temperature in orbit Research garnered from the Thermolab
could have novel applications in space and on Earth. experiment has resulted in at least seven
This new sensor was developed for DLR by Charité scientific publications. The direct line of this
(Berlin) and Draegerwerk (Lübeck) since standard Deutschen Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt
ground measurement in clinics and surgeries use an (German Aerospace Center)/European Space
internal body probe for taking measurements, which Agency-supported research led to the
is not practical in orbit. The sensors measure the development of a non-invasive core body
skin temperature and the heat flow in the skin, which temperature measurement technology—
are used to calculate core body temperature using the double sensor. Double sensor technology
sophisticated algorithms. accounts for 10 patents and has been
Core body temperature rises higher and faster during incorporated into Tcore—a Dräger Medical
exercise on the International Space Station compared product currently used in hospitals for
to how it rises on Earth. This is likely caused by fluid monitoring during surgeries and on intensive
shifts and modified heat flow away from the body. care units. The benefit of skin-based
Moreover, for the first time, a sustained increase in temperature monitoring is acutely realized
astronauts’ core body temperature was observed in these areas, where the minute-to-minute
under resting conditions. This increase of about Human Earth Observation Innovative Global Economic
changes in core body temperature provide
1°C developed gradually over 2.5 months and was Health and Disaster Technology Education Development
critical information—especially where
associated with increased concentrations of a key traditional invasive thermometers may not of Space
anti-inflammatory protein. Since even minor increases be accepted or used by care providers.
in core body temperature can impair physical B4H 3rd Edition
and cognitive performance, both findings have a
considerable impact on astronauts’ health and well-
being during future long-term spaceflight. Furthermore,
data indicated that the impairments in thermoregulation
are still prevalent after return to Earth, and recovery
occurs very gradually. With exercise being a vital
spaceflight countermeasure, and with greater than
80% of energy expenditure during exercise converted
to heat, investigating the effects of long-duration Sweat the Small Stuff:
spaceflight on core body temperature at rest and Minor Changes in Core
during exercise become significant. Irrespective of its Body Temperature Impair
underlying causes, this space fever, as we may call it, Performance
has potential implications for long-term spaceflights in Thermolab examined core body temperature Economic
terms of astronauts’ health, well-being and support, in microgravity during periods of exercise Valuation
including energy, nutrient and fluid requirements and rest and found an increase of 1°C, thereby
as well as physical and cognitive performance.
demonstrating that even minor changes can impair ECONOMIC
The measurement of the core body temperature physical and cognitive performance. These findings VALUATION
together with cardiovascular measurements taken indicate significant challenges must be overcome
during NASA’s VO2 Max (i.e., maximum rate of oxygen before humans can embark on long-duration
consumption measured during incremental exercise) exploration missions beyond low-Earth orbit.
protocol can be used to evaluate the subject’s state
of fatigue, which is very important during a space
mission for optimizing mission success. This non-
Human Earth Observation Innovative Global Economic
Health and Disaster Technology Education Development
Response of Space