Page 198 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 198

B4H 3rd Edition

                                                               work well, and near-real-time data delivery became
                                                               part of routine operations in November 2011.
                                                               Integrating AIS information with other satellite data,
               Satellite-Based                                 such as that from remote-sensing satellites, should
               Receivers Provide                               significantly improve maritime surveillance and boost
               Expanded Cover                                  safety and security at sea. The results will support
                                                               the design and development of a space-based AIS
               A partnership between the                       system in general as well as the performance of
               International Space Station and the             the AIS receiver on the space station.
               Norwegian Defense Institute (FFI) led to the
               installation of Automatic Identification System   The Vessel Identification System could be beneficial to
               (AIS) receivers on the space station, capable   many European entities, particularly law enforcement,
               of receiving data from vessels throughout the   fishery control campaigns, maritime border control,
               ocean in areas that were previously too         maritime safety and security issues including marine
                                                               pollution survey, search and rescue, and anti-piracy.
               remote to detect. The extension of the AIS
               infrastructure, which prior to implementation   Eirikur Johannsson of Norway, for one, is very thankful
               on the space station was primarily ground-      for the Vessel Identification System on the space
               based and limited to coverage within 15 miles   station. He owes his life to the system, which tracked
               of shore, has led to the proliferation of       the AIS signal of his vessel, the Hallgrimar, when it
               satellite-based AIS receivers including those   capsized after an accident. This crucial technology
               onboard the space station. This space-based     continues to save lives by allowing ships that are
               expanded coverage facilitated rescue efforts    close to accidents or emergencies to come to the
                                                               aid of vessels in distress.
               for 24 ships sunk, foundered, grounded or
               otherwise lost at least 15 nautical miles away
               Human           Earth Observation         Innovative             Global            Economic
               from shore in 2017 alone—310 passengers
                                                               Visual and Instrumental Scientific
               Health             and Disaster           Technology           Education         Development
               and crew members were rescued during
                                                               Observation of the Ocean from Space
               these incidents.    Response                                                       of Space
                                                               One feature of oceanographic research conducted
                                                               with the participation of cosmonauts on orbital stations
                                                               research/overview.html)—including the historical
                                                               Salyut and Mir, and the current space station —is the
                                                               broad application of the method of scientific visual and
               verified as a method of tracking global maritime traffic   instrumental observation (VIO) of the world’s oceans
               from space and incorporates maritime traffic in open   from space. The basis of this method is the visual
               waters. The autonomous system picks up signals   search, detection and identification of phenomena
               from standard AIS transponders that are carried   under examination in the near-surface layer of the
               by all international ships over 300 gross tonnes on   ocean and the atmosphere above it. This is the
               international voyages, cargo vessels over 500 gross   simplest, yet one of the most informative, ways to
               tonnes that are not engaged on international voyages,   obtain data in the visible spectrum on the condition
               and all types of passenger ships mandated by the IMO   of the ocean’s natural environment.
               to carry AIS transponders. The space station’s location
               at an altitude of 217 to 248 miles (350 to 400 km) is   The reliability and scientific value of information on
               ideal for space-based AIS signal reception and provides   the ocean obtained in this way significantly increases
               the means to be utilized by multiple users.     because of the targeted use of special recording
                                                               equipment (e.g., digital photo and digital video cameras)
               During the system’s time in orbit, it has not only greatly   and onboard instruments that expand the capabilities
               increased the AIS coverage in open seas, the system   of the crew member’s visual analysis capabilities during
               has undergone upgrades that further improve its   observations. Such combined observations are referred
               performance, such as in crowded shipping areas    to as visual and instrumental. VIO methods are used
               where disturbed signals or signal collisions can occur.   to establish informational databases in the visible
               The Norwegian Automatic Identification System   electromagnetic wave spectrum not only in the field
               (NORAIS) receiver operated by Norway receives    of remote sensing of the oceans, but in other areas
               data almost continuously, all modes of operation    of knowledge and practical activity.

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