Page 202 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 202
In 2011, a space experiment, Microwave Radiometry, Successful realization of the experiment allowed for
was conducted aboard the Russian Segment of the the development of methods for remote sensing of the
ISS. Its purpose was to develop methods for remote Earth, which will be used to solve problems in ocean
sensing of the Earth in the prospective decimeter range physics, climatology, weather forecasting and other
of electromagnetic waves to determine the following applications. The developed methods and technologies
characteristics of the underlying surface: soil moisture, for the delivery, installation and operation of scientific
vegetation cover parameters and sea surface salinity. equipment on the ISS would be used in succeeding
A new unique device, RK-21-8—an eight-beam space experiments, as well as for the assembly of
microwave radiometer of the decimeter range— prospective space stations.
was developed and manufactured to implement
the space experiment Microwave Radiometry.
The Earth in the decimeter wavelength range as observed by RK-21-8.
Image credit: ROSCOSMOS