Page 31 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
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is allocated 50% of NASA’s ISS resources with the
               goal of maximizing commercial and private research
               conducted on the space station. Between 2012 and   ...commercial companies are
               2017, they selected 190 investigations to be carried   developing, operating and
               out on the ISS; of these, 56% were commercially
               sponsored, 42% were academic/nonprofit sponsored,   maintaining their own commercial
               and only 2% were government sponsored.          payload facilities, both internally
               The results of the efforts of all partners toward   and externally on the ISS.
               commercial research and partnership can be seen
               in the findings documented in the table below. Many
               of the most mature benefits listed were derived from
               early collaborative public-private partnerships including
               Aquaporin water purification technology, Aerocide   factor of three. The combination of increased capacity
               air-scrubbing technology and Aerocrine’s exhaled nitric   and decreased cost has improved accessibility of space
               oxide monitors. In addition, commercial research from   station research to new user groups such as academic
               pharmaceutical companies have led to the osteoporosis   institutions and educational non-profits, thereby
               drug Denosumab (Prolia). As discussed in the Japanese   allowing graduate and undergraduate students to
               partner perspective, pharmaceutical companies’   participate in space-based research, as well as to
               interest in ISS research continues to grow. Ongoing    secondary and primary school students to experience
               and planned testing has the potential to impact a    space-based research.
               wide range of treatments and even demonstrate    In less than a decade after assembly completion,
               the effectiveness of new drug delivery systems.
                                                               the ISS has become a fully functioning laboratory
               As the demand for space research and development   where commercial entities routinely carry out research
               projects increases, numerous commercial companies   and technology development (R&D) in fields important
               are developing, operating and maintaining their own   to their competitive differentiation. Another area in
               commercial payload facilities, both internally and   which the ISS is contributing to the development of the
               externally on the ISS. To date, 15 commercial research   space economy is payload integration. The Research,
               facilities and instruments have greatly increased the   Engineering, Mission and Integration Services (REMIS)
               breadth of research supported by the ISS, with the   contract is another example of the transition in ISS
               majority becoming available since 2014. Currently   procurement philosophy to emphasize public-
               AlphaSpace, BioServe, Made In Space, NanoRacks,   private partnerships. This contract was awarded to
               Space Tango, StaARS, TechShot, and Teledyne Brown   16 contractors in September 2017. This move signals
               Engineering are providing ISS research facilities.    a transition from a model where NASA provides its
               As mentioned in their partner perspective below,   own payload integration, engineering development
               the first European Space Agency (ESA)-sponsored   and sustaining services to one where those services
               commercial facility, ICECUBES, began operations in   can be purchased from one of many commercial
               2018. A listing of all commercial facilities available    providers through a competitive process. The REMIS
               as of June 2018, and a brief description of their   contract was developed to allow companies to slowly
               capabilities, can be found in ISS Commercial    take over historically governmental functions in a step-
               Research Providers table at the end of this section.   wise manner using their commercial approaches to
               These commercial organizations operate their facilities   doing business.
               and provide users with more choices to address unique   The ISS is not a traditional asset where concepts such
               research needs than were previously available.    as return on investment (ROI), payback period or risk-
               Many of these companies have used their own     adjusted return are easily applied. By allowing industry
               resources to invest in on-orbit facilities, thereby   to take over payload integration functions as well as
               reducing the risk to the ISS research partner agencies   own and manage research facilities, the ISS serves
               to develop these facilities and services themselves.    as a technology-transfer conduit for the “how-to”
               These companies find customers through the ISS   experience companies will need to expand their
               partners, the ISS National Laboratory and their own   activities in space. At the same time, competition
               business development efforts. As commercial facilities   between companies often generates more efficient
               hosting ISS research have proliferated, the cost of   approaches leading to price reductions, further
               conducting that research in orbit has dropped by a   reducing the costs of doing business in space.

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