Page 35 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 35
for Key Enabling Technologies at its own headquarters.
This partnership evolved into the Amaldi Foundation.
The ISS, with its associated The Amaldi Foundation will focus expertise in the
benefits, is an outstanding enabling technologies sector at the national level,
and become a national reference point for technology
catalyst for technology transfer. transfer. The ultimate objective is to promote the
innovation of business in sectors other than that
of space, thereby contributing to the process of
economic development and to Italian competitiveness
through cooperation between scientific structures
obtain growth opportunities in the future of LEO that and businesses. That stated, ASI continues to
are offered by the Space Economy. The ISS, with its envisage the use of the ISS as the unique platform
associated benefits, is an outstanding catalyst for that will gain humankind the appropriate knowledge to
technology transfer. Italy played a significant role in access beyond LEO destinations. ASI is emphasizing
building the space station, and ASI has continued the role of ISS for human exploration in the national
to play an important role in the development and scientific and technological perspective of space
utilization of the ISS. In doing so, Italy has gained research; accordingly, research opportunities are being
significant experience, expertise and knowledge in published with a specific focus on the potential that the
various fields—i.e., biology and biotechnology, human proposed researches may have for human exploration
research, physical science, technology development beyond LEO.
and demonstration—all resulting in benefits to society
at large. The ISSpresso, a multifunctional device that
can be used to brew coffee aboard the ISS, exemplified Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
this by providing fundamental insights into capillary flow The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
in microgravity. This payload is the result of a public- has promoted diverse use of the ISS Kibo module
private partnership, and provides a good example of to maximize the broad benefits for the Japanese
how the ASI has succeeded in promoting interest in economy, as well as the significant contributions made
space through wholly private efforts. toward scientific and technological discovery. JAXA has
Technology transfer entails the economic valorization focused the use of Kibo facilities for drug design, aging
of knowledge. The ASI encourages technology transfer research, small satellite orbital deployment, and space
by promoting the dissemination of knowledge gained environment exposure by academic, commercial and
aboard the ISS. The utilization of this knowledge and public entities worldwide. JAXA aims at consistently
the subsequent creation of partnerships furthers the achieving 30% to 50% commercial utilization services
synergies among research institutes, subject-matter for these purposes by 2024. It is expected that the
experts and industries. As an example, in 2015, ASI growing number of collaborations between JAXA and
signed a Framework Agreement of cooperation with user-service providers will fuel the formation of new
the Hypatia Consortium, thus creating the Laboratory organizations and groups that independently provide
The JAXA Strategic Plan through 2024.
Image credit: JAXA