Page 101 - July 2021
P. 101

CLass Activity

       Class: V
       Subject: EVS
       Topic: Food, Health and Disease.
       Date: 7  July 2021
       Activity: Food pyramid
       An activity was assigned for the students to prepare a food pyramid for the food that
       they had consumed for one day and analyse the nutrients present in them. The students
       had to list down all kinds of food that they had consumed during an entire day, (from
       morning till night); segregate them on the following criteria: -
               - Food that they eat most (6-11 servings)
               - Food that they eat more (3-5 servings)
               - Food that they eat more (2-4 servings)
               - Food that they eat moderately (2-3 servings)

               - Food that they have sparingly, and had to make a food pyramid of them and
       analyze the type of nutrient present in them.
              The  students  undertook  this  activity very  enthusiastically  and  submitted  their
       observations. Their observations were discussed during the online class. The students
       were able to get a better understanding of this concept by performing a hands-on
       activity of the same.
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