Page 29 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 29

Objective(s)                                                         Goal          Mid-Term                          Status

                                                                                                                                                    X                 Met Target

                                     To increase Dual Enrollment (Fall)                                                310              605                  On Target to Meet Target

                                                                                                                                                                    Not On Target

                                        Milestones Achieved                                                      Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other

          Achieved 605 Dual Enrolled students enrolled (highest in the history of SUNO –                     Development of partnerships with community based organizations (i.e.
    1     fall 2021)                                                                                     1   Son of A Saint– (Greater New Orleans)

          Development of partnerships with additional schools (now up to 11 schools                          Request for funding to ensure all dual enrolled students are
    2     etc., and increasing)                                                                          2   technologically sound

                                                                                                             Training sessions for staff to be able to support high school students
    3                                                                                                    3


          Dual Enrollment Student Experience (i.e. within the classroom)                                - Overall engagement by exposing students to support programs can
    1                                                                                                      help increase awareness and matriculation into Dual Enrollment.

          Limited Technology (i.e. for classes online) for all students enrolled

          Lack of instructor participation with dual enrollment students

          Limited staff ability to support high school aged students due to limited training
    4     opportunities
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