Page 59 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 59
Objective(s) Goal Status
X Met Target
$$$ of Competitive Grants Awarded $3.7 m *40,907,247 On Target to Meet Target
Not On Target
Milestones Achieved Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other
Held the “Breakfast of Grant Champions” in December. All faculty, staff and Continue to reach out and encourage faculty and staff to get involve
students who participated in grant writing were invited. Certificates were with research and grant writing by supporting their virtual needs and
awarded and monetary incentive awards were also provided to the making training, workshops, assistance, grant guidelines and related
1 individual(s) for (1) Most Submitted Proposals; (2) Outstanding Contribution to 1 information easily accessible and available to them. Emphasize the
Grantsmanship; (3) Exceptional Sponsored Program; (4) Largest Research positives of research and grant writing and provide incentives for
Award; (5) Million Dollar Club Members. Funds for the monetary incentives grant participation.
were provided by the SUNO Foundation.
The 2019-20 Research and Sponsored Programs document was prepared and
2 distributed at the Breakfast of Grant Champions and is also displayed on our 2
website under Grants and Sponsored Programs.
3 3
COVID-19 and its variants, along with Hurricane Ida in August 2021 continued *$40,907,247 is the total to-date of ALL Grants awarded to date.
to create uncomfortable conditions, challenges and so many uncertainties This amount includes $4,571,465 for the two (2) Title III Grants and the
including personal (health/family, etc.) issues for both faculty and staff. This $28,849,431 received from CARES (Title III HEERF). Excluding grant awards
made research and grant writing less of a priority. for the Title III Programs and CARES, the total to date is $7,495,351. $25,000
of the total was awarded for Research Projects.
NOTE: Title III Grants were included in the Projections (Targets) of the Dollar
Value of Grant Proposals Funded/Awarded in the University Strategic Plan.