Page 58 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 58
Objective(s) Goal Status
X Met Target
# of Competitive Grants Awarded 14 *21 On Target to Meet Target
Not On Target
Milestones Achieved Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other
Milestones are successfully meeting the established Goal. Continue to provide training, assistance with understanding and
1 1 following the guidelines of the grant, providing one on one, group,
virtual, in-person workshops, etc.
2 2
3 3
Some faculty and staff are not following the grant guidelines and some are • A total of 21 Grants have been awarded to date. Of this number two (2)
continuing to wait until the last hour to submit to the Office of Grants and are Title III Grants (HBCU-B and FUTURE Act) and one (1) was a CARES
1 Sponsored Programs for review. When this happens, it reduces the possibility (Title III HEERF) award. Removing Title III and the CARES Awards from this
for Grants’ submissions to be reviewed for compliance and lessens the number brings the Total of Competitive Grants Awarded to 18.
chances of being funded.
• There were two (2) Research Grants included in the total number of
2 Competitive Grants awarded.