Page 53 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 53
Objective(s) Goal Mid-Term Status
Met Target
To increase placement rate 60% 14.8% On Target to Meet Target
x Not On Target
Milestones Achieved Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other
Career Services Center re-opened in August 2021 In order to build excitement and interests in the Center, an open
1 1
house will be held weekly (door prizes, etc.)
2 Student engagement has increased 2 The Center has hired a full-time Associate Director of Career Services
The Center has seen an increase in interest in business and industry The Center will engage with Alumni Association by creating an Alumni
partnerships. Ambassador Program
Key positions have been filled that addresses supportive services, The Center’s Counselor will work with the University’s Counselor to
communication (both written and oral) to provide students with a well- identify supportive and wrap-around services.
3 rounded experience 3
Develop a database that captures employment and placement
The Career Center has hosted and participated in 7 job/career fairs. history—WorkNumber, etc.,
The Career Center will host the University’s first Business Summit
Students lack the necessities for job search (attire, family support, The SUNO Suited for Success Career Center prepares, instructs, and
1 communication skills needed to prepare for interviews. provides students with the tools they need to succeed upon exiting.
Our mission is to ensure students acquire soft, practical skills that enhance
Students lack enthusiasm and do not sign up for internships, externships or job employability, including oral and written communication. Students will
fair opportunities in a timely fashion. confidently articulate career goals using discipline-specific terminology
There is no accurate system in place to track job and internship placements. and demonstrate appropriate soft skills through informal and formal
3 The Colleges and School of Social Work do not communicate with the Career opportunities in selected courses through presentations and internship
Services Center. evaluations.