Page 49 - Mid-Year Reports
P. 49

                                                 Objective(s)                                                         Goal                                            Status

                                                                                                                                                    X                 Met Target
                          To increase Social Media - Total Messages Received                                            25              40                   On Target to Meet Target

                                                                                                                                                                    Not On Target

                                        Milestones Achieved                                                      Mid-Term Strategies To Overcome Barriers/Challenges/Other

          We have increased our footprint across all of our social media platforms as our                    Continue to post daily on Social media and interact with followers.
    1     followers have increased exponentially since April 1, 2021.                                    1   However, it is difficult to track replies, etc.  Many times users do not
                                                                                                             Direct message—they call the University

                                                                                                             Add more funding for Communications/Marketing.
    2                                                                                                    2

                                                                                                             Request a full time Communications Specialist for the 2022-2023
                                                                                                             program budget
    3                                                                                                    3


          We cannot identify the total amount of messages received, being that we
          receive messages on the regular/replies to stories which are also considered
    1     messages. This is an estimate, and of course, it is higher than when we
          submitted the ScoreCard.

          Requires a full time Communications Specialist to monitor all social media
    2     platforms and other pertinent communication platforms.

   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54