Page 5 - Claflin Cabinet Retreat
P. 5

o Review and Evaluate Previous Action Items: Assess the
          Retreat                                                          o Trend Analysis through Literature: Read and discuss articles
                                                                               completion and success rate of action items set during the
                                                                               last retreat.

          Outcomes                                                             to understand current trends and forecasts within the higher

                                                                               education ecosystem.
                                                                           o Data Deep Dive: Analyze internal data to see how it aligns

                                                                               with identified educational trends and anticipated future

                                                                           o Budget and Scenario Planning: Discuss and plan budget

                                                                               scenarios with a focus on revenue projections and financial

                                                                           o Infrastructure Updates: Provide the executive team with

                                                                               updates on campus infrastructure developments and

                                                                           o Strategic Plan Progress: Review the status of the strategic

                                                                               plan and strategize steps to effectively close out the current

                                                                               planning cycle.

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