Page 15 - Learning Planning on ELT
P. 15

8. Identifying Learning Needs
                Analyze  Patterns:  Examine  the  collected  data  to  identify  common
                learning  preferences,  challenges,  and  suggestions  among  the
                Emphasize  Insights:  Focus  on  insights  that  could  lead  to  meaningful
                changes in teaching methods or curriculum adjustments.

            9. Synthesize Findings
                Create a Comprehensive Report: Summarize the key findings in a well-
                structured report.
                Include  Data  Variety:  Present  both  quantitative  (statistical)  and
                qualitative  (narrative)  data  to  provide  a  holistic  view  of  the  learning

            10. Actionable Recommendation
                Based on the identified learning needs, propose practical strategies for
                addressing them effectively.
                Tailor Recommendations: Customize recommendations to suit different
                learner groups or specific subjects, if relevant.

            11. Presentation and Implementation
                Share Insights: Present your findings and recommendations to relevant
                stakeholders,  such  as  educators,  administrators,  or  curriculum
                Collaborate  for  Implementation:  Work  together  to  implement  the
                suggested strategies and monitor their impact over time.


                Design a project to identify students' learning needs at school.
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