Page 14 - Learning Planning on ELT
P. 14

Develop  a  Structured  Approach:  Prepare  a  set  of  well-structured
                questions or areas of focus that address different aspects of learning,
                such  as  learning  preferences,  challenges,  and  suggestions  for
                Gather Necessary Tools: If conducting interviews, ensure you have the
                appropriate  recording  equipment,  if  needed.  For  observations,  have
                notepads or devices ready.

            3. Design the Questions
                Clear  and  Concise  Questions:  Ensure  your  questions  are  easy  to
                understand and free of ambiguity.
                Mix Question Types: Combine various question types, including open-
                ended, multiple-choice, and scaled questions, to capture a broad range
                of perspectives.
                Logical  Question  Sequence:  Arrange  questions  in  a  logical  order,
                progressing from general to more specific inquiries.

            4. Ethics and Consent
                Obtain Required Permissions: If conducting observations or interviews
                within  an  educational  institution,  make  sure  you  have  the  necessary
                Ensure  Confidentiality:  Assure  participants  that  their  responses  or
                behavior will remain confidential, and their identities will be protected.

            5. Conducting Observations or Interviews
                For  Observations:  Act  as  an  objective  observer,  paying  attention  to
                various learning behaviors, interactions, and patterns.
                For  Interviews:  Schedule  interviews  with  participants.  Create  a

                comfortable environment that encourages open sharing.
            6. Data Collection
                Observations:  Take  detailed  notes  during  the  observation  process,
                recording relevant observations and interactions.
                Interviews:  Either  take  comprehensive  notes  during  the  interviews  or
                record them for transcription and analysis later.

            7. Data Analysis
                Observation Data: Review and analyze your observation notes, looking

                for consistent patterns and behaviors.
                Interview Transcription: If applicable, transcribe recorded interviews and
                identify recurring themes or insights.
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