Page 9 - Learning Planning on ELT
P. 9


                          Read  and  understand  case  study  below  (addressing
                          Diverse English Learning Needs at SMP Purnama)

            At SMP Purnama, there is an 8B class consisting of students with various
            levels of abilities and diverse English learning needs.
            1. Rina  is  a  student  who  is  highly  enthusiastic  about  learning  English.  She
             enjoys reading books and watching movies in English. However, she wants
             to  explore  creative  aspects  of  the  language  such  as  writing  poetry  and
             engaging in drama.
           2. Budi is a student who prefers learning through hands-on experiences. He
             finds it difficult to sit still for extended periods and comprehends English

             lessons better through active games and practical activities.
           3. Anita has special learning needs. She struggles to speak and comprehend
             English quickly. She requires extra support and additional time to absorb
           4. Robby  grew  up  in  a  multilingual  household,  where  he  speaks  two
             languages daily. At times, he gets confused between English vocabulary
             and his mother tongue and needs guidance to overcome this confusion.
           5. Sinta faces challenges in maintaining focus during lessons. She gets easily
             distracted  by  surrounding  noises  and  often  struggles  to  understand
             English instructions.

              To address these diverse learning needs, the English teachers at SMP
                          Purnama can implement the following strategies:

            With  these  inclusive  and  diverse  approaches,  SMP  can  create  a  learning

            environment  that  respects  students'  diversity  and  provides  meaningful
            education to each individual.
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