Page 12 - Learning Planning on ELT
P. 12


                         Read and understand this case study below!

            Case Study on the Use of Learning Needs Identification Strategy
                                         in the School Context

            XYZ High School is a public school with students from diverse backgrounds
            and ability levels. However, the exam results and academic achievements of
            students have not reached their maximum potential. To improve the quality
            of teaching and student achievements, the school decided to implement the
            learning needs identification strategy.

            Implementation Steps

             Initial Data Collection:
             XYZ  High  School  started  by  collecting  data  about  students'  exam
             performance,       challenging     subjects,    and     participation    levels    in
             extracurricular  activities.  This  data  helped  identify  trends  and  patterns
             among students.

             Observations and Interviews:
             Students and teachers were observed about learning preferences, learning
             styles,  and  challenges  they  face  in  the  learning  process.  Individual
             interviews  were  also  conducted  with  some  students  to  gain  deeper

             Data Analysis:
             The  curriculum  and  teaching  development  team  analyzed  the  data
             collected  from  the  previous  steps.  They  looked  for  patterns  indicating
             students' learning needs. For example, some students might struggle with
             mathematics,  while  others  might  face  challenges  in  effective

             Action Plan Development:
             Based on data analysis, the development team created an action plan that
             includes  specialized  learning  strategies  to  address  students'  learning
             needs.  This  could  involve  changes  in  teaching  methods,  the  addition  of
             extra learning resources, or the development of remedial programs.
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