Page 18 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
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June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5
                        MD20 LCIF NEWSLETTER

                       Volume 2, June 2024 Volume 1, June 2023
   PDG Lorri E. Rieger                                                                      Lion Arlene Punnett
                                                                                         Lion Arlene Punnett
  PDG Lorri E. Rieger                                                                  District 20-K1 Coordinator
   MD20 Coordinator
   MD20 Coordinator                                                                   District 20-K1 Coordinator
                                                                      by PDG Lori E, Rieger, Coordinator
                                                               A person wearing a mask and a black hat
                                                               Description automatically generated
     In this issue:

     • Meet Your LCIF District Coordinators
     • Where There is a Need, There is  LCIF Video
     • MD20 LCIF Drawing
     • MD20 Donation Progress
     • Tell-A-Thon 4.0
     • Planned Giving                                        WHERE THERE IS A NEED,
     • District R2 Convocation

     • LCIF Luncheon                                                    THERE IS LCIF
     • LCIF Table
     • Lead and Major Donors                                       CONGRATULATIONS MD20
     •Legacy Society                                          On Your Progress Toward Our Goal
     •Ways to Donate                                           *Please, if you have not donated yet to LCIF
                                                                     this Lion’s year, now is the time!


              Top 6 – Thank You Lions, For Your Support
      1 District S     690     4 District K1        531

      2 District O     688     5 District E1        522

      3 District K2    618     6 District R2        506

                    WINNERS OF THE DRAWING:
            1  Place: East Hampton Lions Club - $1,000          Six (6) of our 11 districts have raised at least 80% of
            2  Place: PDG Glora Burton - $500                   their goal and are on track to meet or exceed them.
            3  Place: Lion Glen Halsey - $250                   Two districts (K2 and S) have reached their given goal,
                                                                as well as IPIP Brian Sheehan’s stretch goal, and are
            4  Place: Patchogue Lions Club - $250               still  going  strong  in  order  to  match  or  exceed  the
                                                                funds they raised last year. Keep up the good work,
                                                                everyone.   *Due   to   the   introduction   of
                                                                Salesforce…numbers did not change much in April
                                                                or May.
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