Page 20 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 20


                 First Responders Leos Club

                         (Third Place Winners)

     Photos show the proud Leos representing their club in the District-Wide  Cancer Committee’s
     Recycle Challenge.
      Each Leo club was asked to cash in their plastic bottles and donate the funds to The American
     Cancer Society via the District Cancer Committee.
     Submitted by,

     Leo Anaya Willabus,
     Club President

                                       Left to Right are Ms. Renee Reginer and Ms. 0 Michelle Steiger (American Cancer
                                       Society) with Lion Donarie Fenton (District 20-K1 Cancer Awareness Chairperson)
                                       enjoying a souvenir photo with DG Antonio Robles and First Responders Leos

      Leo Brandon Willabus cashes in his
      collection of bottles and cans

                                              DG Antonio in photo-op with Leo Brandon Willabus, and Leo
                                              Vice President Anaya Willabus
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