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June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5
                        MD20 LCIF NEWSLETTER

                        Volume 2, April 2024  Volume 1, June 2023
   PDG Lorri E. Rieger                                                                      Lion Arlene Punnett
                                                                                         Lion Arlene Punnett
  PDG Lorri E. Rieger                                                                  District 20-K1 Coordinator
   MD20 Coordinator
   MD20 Coordinator                                                                   District 20-K1 Coordinator
                                                             by PDG Lori E, Rieger, Coordinator
                                        DISTRICT 20-R2
                                        CELEBRATED THEIR MJF
                                        AND PMJF RECIPIENTS
                                        FROM MAY 2023-MAY 2024

                                                                       Join Tell-A-Thon 4.0 on June 2, 2024. Fun,
                                                                       challenges, celebrities but most of all a focus on
                                                                       the projects that became possible thanks to LCIF
                                                                       support. We'll laugh, take on challenges, meet
                                                                       celebrities, but first of all we'll discover the
                                                                       projects that came to light thanks to the support
                                                                       of LCIF. Stay tuned for more updates and in the
                                                                       meantime, please include the Tell-A-Thon as a
                                                                       designation with your donations.
                                                                       Do you know a business that would like to
                                                                       support the efforts of the Lions? Please use the
                                                                       letter and forms below and share them with
       PATCHOGUE LIONESS LIONS HELP                                    businesses in your area. Who knows, you may get
      PURCHASE AN AMBULANCE WITH THE                                   a new member at the same time.
                                  ATTENDED THE LCIF LUNCHEON AT                Grants Resources
                                  THE 100TH MD20 CONVENTION - LOTS
    District  20-S:  The  Patchogue  Lioness  Lions                  Resources for Applicants
    Club and its members have been donating over   OF FUN AND OVER $1,0000 RAISED
    $5,000 (individuals and the club combined) for   FOR OUR FOUNDATION  LCIF offers a wide variety of grants to support Lions service in
    several  years  through  Empowering  Service  to                 their local communities and the world. For decades, LCIF has
    LCIF annually. The DCG program credits 15% of                    contributed to Lions’ efforts in the focus areas of vision, disaster
    these  donations  back  to  the  club  and  is  good             relief, youth and humanitarian causes. LCIF will help Lions
    for 15 years from the time it is earned.                         increase their impact on these areas while expanding our reach
                                                                     through Lions’ global cause areas. Take a look at the following
    After  accruing  almost  $12,000,  the  club  added              resources for applicants to help with your LCIF Grants process.
    just  over  $8,000  to  their  DCG  money  and                   •Guide to LCIF Grant Opportunities
    donated  these  funds  to  the  Patchogue                        •Grant Deadlines
    Ambulance  Company  to  help  pay  for  a  new                   •Lifecycle of a Grant
    ambulance.  The  ambulance  that  was  being                     •10 Tips for Applying for a LCIF Grant
    replaced  was  more  than  20  years  old  and  the
    ambulance company was so thankful to receive                     LCIF Grants Accomplishments
    the funds to pay the ambulance off in less time                  Every year, we’re able to make a positive impact in the world by
    while being able to better serve the community.                  providing grants to Lions clubs. These grants allow Lions to do
    They  also  put  a  beautiful  Lion  Logo  on  both              large-scale service projects that would not be possible without
    sides of the ambulance along with a thank you   Of Course, Fun was Had and   financial assistance.
    to our club and LCIF.         Questions Were Answered at the     View Accomplishments
    That is the power of LCIF and your donations.   LCIF Table...    Grant Types
    This  club  has  committed  to  supporting  LCIF   Thank You, Lora Snow, DC Helen   There are a wide variety of grants available to help Lions serve
    individually  and  as  a  club  and  the  community              their local communities and the world. We encourage you to
    benefited. That is what Lionism is all about. The   Farley & DC Lois Campbell  explore the different grant types to find out if there’s a grant that’s
    betterment of our communities (large or small).                  right for your club, district or multiple district now or in the future.
    Think  what  your  club  can  do.  Remember,                     Learn More
    designate  your  donations  to  EMPOWERING
    SERVICE  and  start  thinking  about  what  your                 Resources for Grantees
    community needs.                                                 Now that your LCIF grant application is approved, follow these
                                                                     tips to achieve your goals.
                                                                     10 Tips: How to Effectively Manage Your LCIF Grant
                                                                     Lions Guide to Promoting a LCIF Grant Project
                                                                     LCIF Grant Reporting Forms
                                                                     To effectively tell your story and measure our impact, it’s critical
                                                                     that all grantees report on LCIF grants they receive. Below you will
                                                                     find a list of grant reporting forms to help you manage your LCIF
                                                                     •Matching Grant Reporting Form
                                                                     •Diabetes Grant Reporting Form
                                                                     •SightFirst Grant Reporting Form
                                                                     •Childhood Cancer Grant Reporting Form
                                                                     •DCG Reporting Form
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