Page 24 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 24

June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5

                                        Volume 1, June 2023

                          MD20 CENTENNIAL CONVENTION

            FVP A.P. SINGH INSPIRES MD20 (Abstract)

    In  his  keynote  address,  FVP  A.P.Singh  focused  on  Service,
    Leadership,  and  Membership.  He  compared  the  lion,  the
    invincible king of the jungle, to the dedication of the 1.4 million   Photo Journal, Courtesy Lion Shirley Maddox
    Lions  worldwide  who  believe  that  nothing  can  deter  nor
    discourage  them  from  serving  and  bringing  respite  to
    disadvantaged communities.  “Where There’s a Need, There’s a
    Lion.”  We are the everyday heroes in our communities.

    “In this organization, we have one title.     We address each other
    by the title of Lion, which is the greatest title. We are proud of our
    service as a Lion,” he continued.

    FVP  Singh  congratulated  the  Lions  and  Leos  of  MD20  for  this
    100 -year celebration of service at a convention.
    “Leadership  is  not  about  a  group  of  individuals  occupying
    positions,”  he  emphasized,”  It  is  about  being  able  to  drive  the
    organization forward and empower the Club members to identify
    and  improve  the  quality  of  service.  The  Association  of  Lions
    Clubs derives its power and strength from the vigor and energy of
    each club”.

    “Regarding Membership, MISSION  1.5, is the business of every
    club.  Every  Club  should  be  intentional  about  recruitment,  and
    every District should be committed to chartering new clubs and
    stimulating growth. I encourage you to throw open the doors to
    the  young  adult.  We  must  make  our  organization  more  youth-
    friendly.   If we want our organization to continue, we must adjust
    our strategies to accommodate their needs. It is our responsibility
    to make our organization sustainable.  We must work with a belief   FVP A.P. Singh addresses the audience
    system that we can do it.”

    FVP  Singh  reminded  us  that  Lions  are  born  to  win.  When  we
    wear our pins, we send out a message that we are responsible
    citizens.  He  noted  MD20  is  one  of  the  extraordinary  Multiple
    District in the world and credited the Lions and Leos for the high
    standards of service excellence. In conclusion, he revitalized and
    emboldened  the  audience  to  anticipate  another  100  tears  of
    humanitarian service!
    Submitted by:
    Lion Yolande Cadore
    Kings and Queens E-News/Magazine Reporter
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