Page 29 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 29

June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5

                                        Volume 1, June 2023

                              MD20 CENTENNIAL CONVENTION

                          PCS Astrid Benjamin-Campbell, the recipient of the PDG
                          Leadership Award, enjoys a souvenir photo op with FVP A.P. Singh

                         The  purpose  of  this  award  is  to  encourage  and  recognize
                         outstanding  examples  of  leadership  by  members  of  Lions
                         clubs in MD20.

                         Candidates must have demonstrated goal-oriented leadership
                         and unselfish contributions of time, talent, and resources to
                         the  club  and  District  over  several  years.  Nominees  must
                         also  exemplify  extraordinary  humanitarian  service  and
                         successful  fundraising  programs  and  participate  in  Lions’
                         conferences, forums, and conventions.
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