Page 33 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 33

June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5
                           WORLDWIDE INDUCTION DAY

                            AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY

      On Saturday, April 27, Lions and Leos joined in the global celebration of Worldwide Induction Day.
      This event is marked by a ceremony to welcome new members into the family of Lions and Leos

      The  event  was  well  attended.  Lion  Hyacinth  Jeffers,  (Brooklyn  Alpha),  Global  Membership  Team
      Coordinator, served as event chairperson. District Governor Antonio Robles welcomed the new Lions
      and Leos into the largest service organization in the world. He advised them that this is the beginning
      of a lifelong journey of humanitarian service, making the world a better place for our neighbors with
      each act of service, performed with kindness and love.

      “Where There’s a Need, There’s Lion,” continued DG Antonio. “Starting today,” he declared, “you are
      “Knights of the Blind.” Thank you for responding to Helen Keller’s charge. He described the meaning
      of the blindfolds :

          “In 1925, at a Lions Convention, Helen Keller challenged the Lions to the world to become
          Knights in a world of darkness. She gave Lions their first mission to eradicate preventable
          blindness, improve the quality of life for people who are blind, and serve as advocates for the
          blind and visually impaired.”

      The new Lions were blindfolded, creating a semblance of “blindness” later dispelled by the lighted

      This  ceremony  was  followed  by  a  mini-semester.  Each  member  of  the  GAT  (Global  Action  Team)
      summarized his / her  role.  Lion Hyacinth  Jeffers, GMT  (Global  Membership  Team  ),  Lion Carolina
      Soto (SGMT), Spanish Global Membership Team, and Lion Levi Jeffers (GMA) Global Membership

      There was also a round table discussion with PDG Veronica Ralph-Munro (member for 40 years),
      who served as a mediator. The panelists included 2VDG Dr. Denise Lloyd (30+ years as a Lion), Lion
      Sidney Wilson, serving in Lionism for a little over 10 years, and Lion Olga Sandy, serving in Lionism
      for less than a year. The following questions were posed to the panelists –

          •   Which of your experiences in Lionism has given you the greatest joy?
          •   What particular project would you like to see your Club and/or the District implement to
                 better serve the community?
          •   Do you have any advice for new or prospective members?

      All panelists emphasized the importance of high-quality “New Member Orientation” and “Sustained

                             OF BROOKLYN CANARSIE LIONS CLUB!!!!
                                 31 NEW MEMBERS WERE INDUCTED!

      Submitted by: Lion Yolande Cadore - Kings and Queens E-News/Magazine Reporter
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