Page 15 - Enews April 2020 Edition
P. 15

Kings & Queens


         At Elmhurst Hospital in Queens,   Professionals at Jamaica   QUEENS COMMUNITY LIONS CLUB
         New York, over 200 medical staff  Hospital Center, Queens, New
         were served a surprise lunch of   York. At the new Coronavirus   CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE
         sandwiches with sodas, fruit juices
         or water. Our Lions were saying   Testing Site at Joseph P.
         "Thank you for what you are do-  Addabbo Health and Family
         ing for our community and the   Center in Far Rockaway,
         world" Kudos to the Lions who   Queens, 50 hot lunches were
         participated in this special service   distributed to staff and clients.
         event. "Where There Is A Need   Early every morning, many day
         There Is A Lion.”
         Our pride of courageous Lions   laborers gather at the parking
         donned their PPE and continued   lots at 2 neighborhood Home
         to serve at Long Island Jewish   Depot stores.  Because of the
         Hospital, bringing 200 lunch bo-  COVID-19 Pandemic and so-
         xes with a choice of pizzas,   cial isolation, most of them
         sandwiches, rice with chicken,   return home to their families
         and drinks.                without wages for that day. At
         We champion “Kindness!.” When   each location, 125 hot meals
         the Essential Workers at The Jef-  were distributed.  Meals were
         ferson Bucks Hospital in Pennsyl-  also served at the junction of 107
         vania expressed their need, The   Street and Liberty Avenue to
         Queens Community Lions Club   neighbors in need.
         responded. In partnership with a   As a tribute to P.O. Vinnie Per-
         community based organization,   saud, one of our fallen First Re-
         "We Gat Ah You Bac" (We Got   sponders from the NYPD 101st.
         Your Back) the club donated 50   Precinct, the club provided a
         Face Shields and 50 Masks.   respite lunch for the surviving
                                    brothers and sisters. The Precinct
         To help relieve some of the stress   Commander sent this message.
         of COVID-19 and show our ap-  "It’s comforting to know there
         preciation to the First
         Responders, we paid another sur-  are people out there who remem-
         prise visit to our neighborhood   ber our fallen”.  Lion President
         precinct. Lunch was served to the   Indajeet Paul reciprocated,
         police officers at 106 Precinct in   "thank you for all that you are
         Richmond Hill, Queens.  We   doing to keep us safe.  Kindness
         thanked them for keeping our
         community safe.            Matters to Lions and We Serve!”

         A simple act of Kindness some-
         times means a lot to the recipient.   Reported by
         Essential Workers at  (2) two   ZC  Indajeet Paul
         Food/Grocery Markets on Liberty
         Ave. Richmond Hill, Queens,
         were astounded when Lions ap-
         peared at lunchtime with 50 boxes
         of hot pizza and cold drinks. We
         thanked them for risking their
         lives in order to facilitate the com-
         munity’s need for groceries.  Our
         message to all community resi-
         dents who we met was,” Please
         Protect Yourself By Staying At

         In collaboration with BENA
         HomeCare Agency, 200 lunches
         were served to the Medical
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