Page 6 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens SUMMER-JUNE EDITION 2022
P. 6

Roaring Cheers to the

                          District 20-K1 First Family

     The capacity crowd welcomes DG Anthony Cochran with a  District 20-K1 honors DG Anthony for his dedication and
     thunderous standing ovation as he is proudly escorted by his  leadership.
     lovely daughters, Lion Dr. Erica Cochran-Hameen & Lion Anita

                                                                 PDG Ozzie Torres assists PDG Joyce Cochran

    A warm “ family moment” with DG Anthony, PDG Joyce
    and their Lion daughters.

                                                          PDG Joyce Cochran beams with satisfaction for a tenure of
                                                          notable achievements
    Meet DG Anthony and PDG Joyce’s grandsons celebrating
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