Page 27 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 27
( 2019 - 2021)
Before the transition of leadership to IP Douglas X. Alexander, IPIP Jung Yul
Choi celebrated what it means to be a “Lion.” He thanked the Past Presidents
for their guidance, management and organizational expertise that empowered
the organization to overcome the unprecedented global health and economic
challenges and look forward to a productive 21st. Century of humanitarian
“Although our world is very different from all that we imagined” he observed,
“the joy of our incredible diversity of talents, cultures and service still
resonate in my spirit. Thank you, Lions and Leos of the world, for your
generosity, kindness and passion for service! Thanks for your commitment
to strengthening our legacy!
In an endearing message to his partner-in-service, Lion Seung- Bok, he acknowledged publicly, “Thank you for helping
me to soar above the stars! Thank you for your love, support, courage and perseverance!” She was presented with The
Ambassador of Goodwill Award.
Despite the opposing forces and brutal pressure of this pandemic, our
Lions’ clubs united with other humanitarian organizations with similar
vision and purpose. Together, you created a delicate balance of harmony
and addressed the needs of the most marginalized and underserved
communities with appropriate resources. “The world needs us now, more
than ever before”, IPIP Jung Yul Choi affirmed, “and Lions and Leos are
finding safe ways to stay connected
and resilient.”
Although the pandemic changed us in many different ways, IPIP Choi
recounted several areas of progress. In addition to increased
membership, about 1,700 new Specialty Clubs were chartered and over
$20 million has been donated to COVID-19 relief efforts.
IPIP Jung Yul Choi presents Ambassador of Goodwill Award
He reflected on our progress and shared that in Tokyo, Japan, lives of pediatric cancer victims have been changed
by Lions’ sacrifice of donated hair. In Calcutta, India, where 77million patients are diabetic, Specialty Clubs partner with
other health professionals to provide advocacy, screening, prevention and management education. In New York City,
more than 2,000 families are served with weekly donations of respite food at local pantries. Camp Sunshine provides
financial and psychological support for children in crisis situations. In Kingston, Jamaica, Lions organized a Breakfast
Program to alleviate childhood hunger.
“Under the leadership of IP Douglas X. Alexander, we will emerge from the darkness into the light and life of hope, united
in kindness and diversity.
Reported by,
Lion Annette Hinkson-Smith