Page 23 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 23

                             honors                      Profiles of RHs0P leo CLUB
                       Leo scholars                          A successful 2020-2021

     Sunday July 11, 2021, was the third anniversary  During the second year of their nine year history, the RHSOP
     Scholarship Award Ceremony for the graduates of  Lions Club sponsored a Leo Club, under the expert guidance of
     Richmond Hill South Ozone Park Leos Club. The    Lion Mary Diakite, Leo Advisor.  She has provided a forum for
     beautiful Villa Russo in Richmond Hill, NY came  nurturing youth leaders, encouraging humanitarian acts of
                                                      community service and  providing individualized support.
     alive with the happy sounds of laughter and cheer .  This year, our graduating seniors who received $1,000
     Parents,  mentors  and  peers  applauded   and   scholarship grants are Leos Leena Elemary, Aruna Budhram,
     congratulated fourteen brilliant Leo scholars. for  Emily Haffiz, Mahakpreet Kaur, Angelica Kopec, Katarzyna
     their academic achievements as they embark on a  Kruszewksa, Devika Murry,  Zuzanna Pula,  Klaudia
     new college journey.                             SiemieniewIcz,  Samantha Saroop,  Chelsea Umrow and  Mia
     Each graduate was awarded a cash grant of $1,000  In addition, the Secretary’s Award was presented to Leo
     plus various gifts to enhance their college      Chelsea Umrow who has matured from a shy Leo into an
     experience. The gifts were made possible by Leo  effective leader who has served efficiently in various positions
     Advisor Mary Diakite, MJF and co-Advisor Joylyn  over the years.
     Wheeler-Persaud.  Included  was  a   handmade    Leo Aruna Budhram has emerged as one of the leading Leos in
     blanket, crafted in each recipient’s favorite color,  New York State, bringing much recognition to her home Club.
     by  Rev. Ivette Daysa, a member of Lion Mary’s   She served as President of the RHSOP Leo Club and President
                                                      of the District 20-K1 Leo District Council. This year she will
     Church. The cash grants were funded by members   serve as Leo Vice President of Multiple District 20 Leos (New
     of the Club and supportive business leaders. Other  York State & Bermuda). We wish her great success in this new
     donors to the Scholarship Awards Fund included   position where she will continue her service journey even as a
     Lion Mary Diakite, MJF: Founder of Cherish Every  college student.
     Child, Inc., Lion Todd Greenberg: Addabbo &      Leo Leena Elemary, the current president was deeply
     Greenberg Law Firm, Lion Bihari Lall, of GITTO   disturbed about the plight of the civilian population in the
     Farmers’ Market, Lion Christine Latchana: All    middle eastern country of Yemen, which has been in the throes
     Purpose Electric Corp, Lion Nick Agola: Sofia’s  of civil war since 2014. She was especially distressed about the
     Pizzeria, Lion Motie Phanisnaraine: Golden Arrow  women and children who were suffering from a safe supply of
                                                      drinking water. She initiated a project to raise funds to support
     Restaurants,  Lions  Joylyn   Wheeler-Persaud,   the Save the Children Charity.
     Nalini Racktoo, Hack’s Halal and Gemini Lounge;  In her closing remarks, , Lion Mary encouraged them to
     Lion Ricky Singh; Mr. Vishnu Sawh, Vishnu Sawh   continue to maintain loyalty to friends and family, especially to
     Inc.                                             those who have supported them during difficult times.
                                                      She expressed her gratitude to Lions Mitch and Chandi
     Dignitaries included PCC Deborah Harrison, Lion  Budhrami for opening their doors at short notice for Leos’
     Sandy Fraser-Thomas, Leo District Chair, Ms. Pegi  meetings and activities. The Leos appreciate Lion Todd for
     Brown, Author of the book Next Chapter,    Ms.   always responding positively whenever his assistance was
     Juanita Farnum, Director of Mary Kay Cosmetics   needed.
     and Ms. Olivia Quinto, Asst. District Attorney.  An open invitation to become a Lion / Leo was extended.
                                                      Contacts are:
      Lion Mary Diakite, MJF, Leo Advisor             President, Lion Motie Phanisnaraine, MJF, 718-809-4087
                                                      Secretary, Lion Naidoo Veerapen, MJF, 917-714-7596
                                                      Imm. Past President, Lion Romeo Hitlall, PMJF, 917-749-7700
                                                      Membership Chair, Lion Todd Greenberg:
                                                      Leo Advisor, Lion Mary Diakite, MJF, 718-310-0346
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