Page 29 - ENEWS-september 2020 edtion_Float
P. 29


                                         A MESSAGE FROM VCB

                                   A WASHINGTON TESTIMONIAL

                                                               For the Washington family, spending time during the

                                                               summer at VCB has become a tradition! Nneka, age

                                                               20, has been coming to VCB for more than five

                                                               years as a participant in VCB’s Rehabilitation and

                                                               Recreation, or “R&R,” summer program. Nneka is

                                                               always accompanied by her younger brother, Lance-

                                                               lot; and their grandmother, Cynthia. They reported

                                                               being incredibly grateful that despite a global pan-

                                                               demic, VCB was able to open its doors to them and

                                                               other families. Nneka and her family also frequent

                                                               the VCB traditional weekend sessions as often as

                                                               they can.

                                                                      “We look forward to it. Now that we come up

               often, there’s a system,” Cynthia explained about her little “camp-themed” luggage. “We have our upstate

               bag, and at the end of the summer I take the VCB bag home, and clean it out. Then I restock it with clothing

               and other items. We store it away until the next time we come back.”

                       Cynthia enjoys being able to go away to a place where her entire family feels comfortable and safe.

               She adds that she loves how Nneka blossoms at VCB and that she constantly learns new skills while there.

               Cynthia adds, “Nneka and her brother Lance can count on gaining new experiences and being engaged in

               new activities every time we arrive at VCB, no matter the session. This is very important to me”.
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