Page 19 - Enews December 2019 edition_Neat
P. 19

Volume VII, No. 3

                                SPREADING THE MAGIC OF THE SEASON

            METROPOLIS LIONS               FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE               Councilman Donovan Richards, Lion Santram
             HOST CHRISTMAS                         LIGHTING                  Dukhbhanjan, who has served for more than
             WITH  SENIORS AT                            at                   40 years and is the current Vice President of
                                                                              the Indian Diaspora Community Council.  Mr.
              BERGEN HOUSE               RICHMOND HILL TRIANGLE               Albert Baldeo Community Board 9 resident
           A special thank you to all those who                               and community activist was also in attendance
                                                                              with President Kenichi Wilson.
           came to Bergen House to spread    It was a cold evening, made colder by the
           holiday cheer with the residents. Our   wind that joined the celebration. But it was   RHSOP thanks the police officers of the 102 &
           efforts were well received. We   an evening to remember forever, as the   106 Precincts. DJ Tony, Pastor Deodat Man-
           played games with them, distributed   Richmond Hill-South Ozone Park (RGSOP)   gar, the choir and the Management of 6 Stars
                                         Lions Club gave Richmond Hill its first
           prizes, sang songs, and listened to   community Christmas Tree!    Auto Sales for their help in making this anoth-
                                                                              er successful project of the RHSOP Lions &
           some very interesting life stories. An                             Leos Clubs.
           event of this nature has never been   Despite the cold, a large number of Queens
           held with these residents, and they   residents gathered at the RH triangle at 133   Reported by
           have asked us to come back. This   Street and Liberty Avenue for the ceremoni-  Lion Romeo Hitllal,
           was very heart warming and speaks   al lighting and to share in this historic event.          President

           to the reason why we do what we do   Yes, Santa was there too! He was jolly as he
           - WE SERVE!                   distributed gifts and took pictures with the                     Entrance to
                                         children.  Older folks soaked up the excite-                     Richmond
           Respectfully submitted by:    ment of the greatest holiday season of the                       Hill
                                         year and became kids again for about 3                           Tringale
           Lion Nicole Jones Follins     hours.
           Brooklyn Metropolis Lions Club,      The Christmas Tree Lighting is a project
           Inc.                          conceived and executed by the RHSOP Li-
                                         ons Club, as part of its mission of service to
                                         the community.  It was sponsored by our
                                         Club with supplementary member donations.
                                         The goal was to bring the festive celebration
                                         of Christmas to the vibrant Richmond Hill /
                                         Ozone Park community in a way that was
                                         never experienced before.   There was a                          Children are
                                         beautifully decorated Christmas Tree which
                                         will remain at the RH Triangle until the end                     excited to see
                                         of January.  Prior to the 6:30 pm lighting, the                  Santa.
                                         waiting crowd was treated to snacks of cof-
                                         fee, hot chocolate and pastries while they
                                         listened to recorded Holiday music provided
                                         by DJ Tony who set the festive atmosphere
                                         for the evening.  The RHSOP Lions wel-
                                         comed the large crowd and invited Pastor
                                         Deodat Mangar of the Bethel Living Waters
                                         Assembly of NYC to pray the Invocation.                      Community

                                         Then it was time for the countdown in which                  residence enjoy
                                         all participated!  As the brightly colored                   RHSOP Christmas
                                         lights were turned on, the large appreciative                tree.
                                         crowd responded with “ooohs” and loud
                                         applause. Finally, Richmond Hill has a
                                         Christmas Tree for its residents. Right on
                                         cue, the 6 member choir from the Bethel
                                         Living Waters Assembly NYC, Inc. accom-
                                         panied by a guitarist, filled the air with a
                                         beautiful rendition of popular Christmas
                                         carols.   Other guests captured pictures with
                                         Santa, with the well decorated Christmas                           RHSOP
                                         Tree as the backdrop.  Supporting organiza-                        Lions with
                                         tions included the Jamaica Rotary Club,
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