Page 15 - Enews December 2019 edition_Neat
P. 15

Volume VII, No. 3


                                     FOOD, AND YUMMY SMELLS

          District 20-K1 Feeding - November 16, 2019                     METROPOLIS’   8th. ANNUAL

                                                                      COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING
          Under the leadership of our District
          Governor, Deborah Harrison, Lions                                            FEAST
          and Leos of District 20-K1
          did what they have always                              With help from 2nd. VDG
          done so well.  They served                             Anthony Cochran and
          hot, nutritious meals to                               members of other clubs,
          more than one hundred and                              Brooklyn Metropolis Lions
          twenty three (123) patrons                             Club served over 500 meals
          in the East Flatbush com-                              to the community at Hope
          munity.                                                City Empowerment Center,
                                                                 in Brooklyn.
          Sixty (60) meals were de-
          livered to the Women’s                                 The club has organized and
          Homeless Shelter at Far-                               executed this awesome
          ragut Avenue & Glenwood                                service project for the 8th
          Road in Brooklyn, and dis-                             consecutive year.  Current
          tributed to the residents                              records indicate that over
          who were unable to travel                              4,000 meals have been
          to the feeding site.                                   served to the community
          The event was hosted at St.                            during this period.
          Therese of Lisieux Church,
          4402 Avenue D Brooklyn, NY.                            Metropolis Lions thank their
          More than seventy five (75)                            loyal and committed supporters
          Lions from various clubs partic-                       who have either contrib-
          ipated and others made mone-                           uted, prepared or assisted
          tary and / or food donations.                          with the serving of this
          Lions and Leos served seam-                            delicious, nutritious three
          lessly to ensure a successful                          course meal.  The recipi-
          event.                                                 ents of this service are
                                                                 very appreciative of the
          District Governor, Deborah                             annual feast and look
          Harrison thanked all for their                         forward to a warm recep-
          hard work. She also expressed                          tion every year.
          her appreciation to Farah Louis,
          New York City Council Person                           Without a doubt, this is a
          and District Representative, for                       worthy cause!
          her attendance.
                                                                 Submitted by
          On behalf of the Chair, Lion Gladys                    Lion Emerson Campbell
          Williams, Co-Chair Lion Monica
          Campuzano, and the entire Feeding
          Committee, a special “Thank
          You” goes out to District 20-K1
          for their support, donations and
          team-work.  “We Serve”!
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