Page 2 - Kings and Queens February 2023 Edition
P. 2


                 From the office of                                      From the pen of

               1 VDG Antonio Robles                                   2 VDG Romeo Hitlall

    I want to take this moment to express my best wishes for
    a healthy and happy New Year 2023, to every Lion and Leo  To all the Lions and Leos in District 20-K1, I extend
    in our 20-K1 family! I thank you for your kindness, and for  “Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.”
    being the wonderful, amazing humanitarians who serve our
    communities of need in Brooklyn and Queens.            We look forward to a 2023 that is filled with
                                                           outstanding successes for Lionism, and for our own
    The first half of the Lionistic Year has been successful due  personal and career goals.
    to your diligence and commitment to making tomorrow
    better for someone else.                               As we embark on the second half of the Lionistic year
    We at the District level are grateful for your steadfastness  2022-2023, we look forward with great anticipation to
    to service and look forward to an adventurous second half  our Mid-Winter Convention.  I recommend that you
    of the Lionistic Year. Congratulations to all the Regions,  spend some time reviewing the diverse course
    Zones, and Clubs that completed the SWOT Analysis. This  offerings as advertised in this e-news / magazine.
    exercise opens the door to a more democratic District. I  Your participation will increase your knowledge about
    encourage the Clubs that are still engaged in the process,  Lionism, Leadership and Service.  Your involvement
    to sustain the activity to its completion and probe the  will set the tone for positivity, growth and action as
    result to identify a new action plan. Keep in mind that this  mapped out by our hard-working District Governor and
    analysis is geared towards giving all Lions and Leos a  her
    voice in the operations of the district.               leadership team of experienced and knowledgeable

    I strongly urge you to register for  the upcoming      presenters.  Let us give full support to the District’s
    Humanitarian Luncheon and the Mid-Winter Convention.   Convention Management Team that is preparing a
    The success of these events depends on our participation,  program that promises something special to benefit
    in addition to providing opportunities to fellowship and  every new or seasoned Lion and Leo.  You will be
    expand our knowledge about Lionism Do not forget the   even more prepared to discover “out of the box”
    State Convention in Buffalo, New York April 28-30, 2023.  projects to respond to the needs in our communities.
                                                           You will be equipped with different “tools” and be
    As we start another calendar year, we may reflect on the  prepared “to lead today for a better tomorrow”.
    words of Helen Dyer, a notable biochemist, who declared,
    “decrease your level of stress by improving your mood  Let this experience re-energize us!
    and increasing your strength by engaging in more
    community  service  programs”  Her    research  on     Lion Romeo Hitlall, PMJF
    volunteering suggests that the more we serve others and  2nd Vice District Governor
    contribute to the greater good, the more we contribute to  District 20-K1
    our own well-being.
    Thank you for your service.

    1VDG Antonio Robles
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