Page 26 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 26


                                around District 20-K1


            DISTRICT T.E.A.L. WALK:


             LION MYRA CRUMPE

      On Saturday September 10, 2022, Lions and Leos of District 20-
      K1 assembled at 10:00 A.M. at Gershwin/Linden Park in Brooklyn,
      NY  for the T.E.A.L. (Tell Every Amazing Lady) Walk about
      Ovarian Cancer.                                         Stuy Park Leos pay tribute to an amazing lady
      Lions and Leos wore their vests and T-shirts adorned with the
      beautiful face of Lion Myra and the inscription  “In Loving
      Memory Lion Myra Crumpe.” who recently lost her battle with
      ovarian cancer. She was Partner in Service to Lion William (Bill)
      Crumpe (Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club).
      The Lions and Leos from her club floated teal balloons to
      memorialize their amazing lady. Lion Bill, their two daughters
      and other family members also participated in the T.E.A.L.Walk.
      Lions were “Leading Today For A Better Tomorrow”            Lions and Leos float teal balloons

      Committee members are Lions Helen Dluzewski, (Chair) Pamela
      Taylor, (Co-Chair) and Eileen Freeman, (Member)

      Submitted by,
      Lion Shirley Maddox, Reporter
      District 20-K1 Kings and Queens E-News

    District 20-K1 walked with Lion Bill Crumpe and his daughters   DG Ingrid with Lion Aurea Gonzalez (left) and Lion Helen
    Keisha and Charlene (front row) to support the cause of ovarian  Dluzewski, Chairperson (Right) after the event
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