Page 27 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 27


                                around District 20-K1



              BREAST CANCER

     (Story and Photos by Lion Dimple Willabus, District Photographer)

    On October 9th, The American Cancer Society hosted the

    Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk to unite
    communities, organizations and individuals to address and bring
    awareness to a collective goal to defeat breast cancer.  District Photographer Lion Dimple with Lions at Breast Cancer
                                                        Strides Walk
    District 20-K1 Lions Clubs donated over five thousand dollars
    ($5,000.00) and earned the designation as “Sponsor.“

    Hundreds of Brooklynites showed up with their sashes and
    posters celebrating their personal accomplishments as survivors,

    or carrying the name of someone who is still fighting the
    disease or those who have lost their fight.

    The Strides Walk started at Coney Island Boardwalk and
    Maimonides Park. Participants walked along the Coney Island  District 20-K1 Lions at Breast Cancer Strides Walk
    boardwalk to complete four miles.
    There were many tents set up to share resources and valuable

                                                                    District 20-K1 Cancer Chair Lion Donarie
       Lion President Betty Barrow and Diana Johnson join the STRIDES Cancer Walk   Fenton at the Breast Cancer Strides Walk
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