Page 6 - SoS Vol 3 TTI Takatpur
P. 6
TTI, Takatpur is one of the oldest Government Technical
Training Institute where Tata Strive has had its presence for
the longest duration. Hence the impact is deeper. TTI, Ta-
katpur is also a role model for some of the smaller ITIs. We
are thankful to the Principals of TTI, Takatpur, who have ex-
tended their unflinching support to us. We pledge many
more years of meaningful association with this ITI where
we will put in our best effort
to create world-class TVET experiences for the ITI students.
I wish the learners, teachers, trainers, and Principals of this
ITI FOR bringing a unique edition of SoS-VoL-3 which is
aligned with the ITI value system. Good to see the ITI con-
tributing values through various best practices. Enjoy read-
ing this Magazine!